Friday, September 24, 2010

Covenant Church continues Evensong services

October 10, 2010

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Sermon text: I Timothy 3:1-7, Ryan Laughlin

Psalm: 1
NT: I Timothy 3:1-7

*Give Praise to God (Hymns for a Modern Reformation, #1)

All Praise to Thee (Hymnal 1982, #477)

*Jesus, Lamb of God (Hymnal 1982 #S-164), Franz Schubert from Deutsche Messe

Now Unto Jehovah, Ye Sons of the Mighty, (Trinity #45) v. 1, 4

Christ is made the Sure Foundation (Trinity #343)

*Christ, We Do All Adore Thee (Trinity #737)

*Choral Ensemble alone

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Covenant Church holds Evensong Services

Covenant Presbyterian Church will hold Choral Evensong Services on the following dates:

June 6,6pm
July 18,6pm
August 29,6pm

October 10, 6pm
November 21, Choral Advent Communion Service, 6pm

Further details will be posted (see hymns and music for June 6 on previous post)

Choral Evensong at Covenant Church

June 6, 6pm + Covenant Presbyterian Church + 2143 North Ballas Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63131

Sermon text: Matthew 22:1-14 (Wedding Feast)

Choral Call to Worship: God Himself is With Us (Trinity Hymnal #382, verse 1), Joachim Neander (1680)

Hymn #102 All Glory Be to Thee, Most High (V. Schumann; arr. F. Mendelssohn (1809-1847)

Psalm 19 Trinity Hymnal # 113 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

My Soul Now Magnifies the Lord LSB, 934 (with Congregation)

Lord, Bid Your Servant Go in Peace, LSB, 937 (with Congregation)

Choral Benediction: Christ We Do All Adore Thee (TH #737), from ‘The Seven Last Words of Christ’ by Theodore Dubois, 1867; with Amen