Saturday, October 25, 2008

Reformation Day and All Saint's Day

Speaking of the Church calendar, we are in the season where things get interesting. We have Reformation Day, All Saint's Day and soon after that Advent and Christmas. What are reformed people to do? Well, we automatically say that All Saint's Day is bad, but before we give in to that, it may be that there are some good things about it. It is good to remember those saints who have gone before us and set a good godly example for us. It is bad to pray to them, to ask them to pray for us, etc. We must also realize that the good works that they did in their earthly lives were due only to God in Christ. Hallelujah for this great provision! The Lord does mighty works in sinners!! We (reformed types) must not get too worked up about Reformation Day and elevate Luther and Calvin (and the rest of the bunch) more than they deserve. They did what they did by the Holy Spirit convicting them through the Word of God. We must never resort to "Catholic-bashing" in our rhetoric. Yes, we disagree, but we can still be friends. In the end, we must give God glory for all good things that occur on this planet. If anyone reads this and wants to discuss, feel free to leave a comment. I am not an expert nor do I claim to "be right". This is my current thinking on this issue.

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